Reasons How Customer Service Call Centre Can Help In Business

Reasons How Customer Service Call Centre Can Help In Business

Call centres have become common all over the world and inbound customer service centres can either make or break your business.Phone in customer service centres are becoming mere buck passers or stalling agents and thus not truly delivering what is expected by the company or the customer.


There are 5 simple things that can be done to improve your inbound customer service call centre and help your business help your customers better.


Get the caller’s name and details correct


When a person calls in, the first thing that must be done to get the details of the caller. Without this nothing can be achieved.When the details are given have them read back and confirmed and ask “can I call you Mr X or can I call you John”.


Reading the details back provides assurance to the caller that you have their best interest at heart and asking whether they wish to be spoken formally or informally relaxes the caller, there is perhaps a greater chance that the person will not mind being called their first name. Once the correct name and contact details are attained the issue can begin to be addressed.


Supply a reference number


At the beginning of the call, not only after the call give a reference number. This reference number is valuable for both the caller the company being represented. The reference number is a key element for improving customer service.


It is one of the few tangible aspects that can be traced, tracked and followed – vital if you want to take control.At the end of the call provide the reference number again.


Give a time line


Every problem should have a timescale in which it should be resolved. Once the issue is understood explain to the customer your process. By informing the customer of the timescale and your intended actions creates and strengthens confidence. A time line also keeps your business accountable.


Does your business have timescales or a timed/managed process to handle issues? This is often an ignored process or one that needs updating. Your process could be costing you business.


If you don’t have answer get one


Very often the operating agent is not fully conversant in the technology or other aspects of the issue being raised. This is often the failing point of many call centres, however using point 3 above and then point 5 below failure is easily overcome.


Points 3 and 5 create the opportunity for an answer to be found and conveyed timeously back to the caller. This step is perhaps the most important step and is the point at which a repeat customer is gained or an existing customer lost.


There should never be an “I don’t know” and if you “will find out” then find out and say when you will reply.


Understand the bigger picture


Many call centres become yet another silo within a business; they become a dead-end and have little purpose other than to be a point of contact. All businesses run on processes and knowing where the call centre fits in as part of the business, how its operation impacts other processes and how its own processes must dovetail with many internal and external aspects of the business is essential.


Sophisticated software has been implemented in many call centres to manage the phones and communication, but the phones and communication systems are not what make the call centre function.


Final Note


A call centre is an information hub and therefore needs to be integrated into systems and processes of the company it is representing, this may be external systems if outsourced or existing systems if an in-house call centre.


Call centre agents must understand their significance in the process, and businesses must also understand the importance of the call centre. All agents must have access to systems – don’t use licencing costs as a reason not include the users, the value far outweighs the cost.


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