Know your accounts more with a customized CRM Interface designed for your lending and collection services.
Know your accounts more with a customized CRM Interface designed for your lending and collection services.
Categorize debtor accounts into your set parameters.
Log-in into a skip tracing facility tool that real-time updates your database automatically.
Enhance supervision and monitoring tool with advanced voice logging system equipped with Barging, Whispering, and Snooping features.
Increase your contact rates and achieve higher promises-to-pay with aggressive lead penetration.
Choose an automatic dialing mode that suits your campaign to reduce call waiting time.
Maintain quality performance with real-time monitoring tools for better supervision.
Create multiple campaigns depending on priority accounts and client requirement.
Communicate across all forms of communication. Access a variety of applications such as Chat, E-mail, SMS, Phone, Video, Fax, Voice, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.
Generate notices of default and contracts automatically for less account handling for increased contact rates.
Specify how leads are assigned to users or agents as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead importers
Track and monitor your field agents with built-in route tracking and GPS.